Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolutions for the World

1. The U.S. ends its War on Drugs. The vast array of knowledge available about the dangers of drugs should be enough to keep people out of them, but for those that do drugs, it's their choice.
2. The SOPA act and the PROTECT IP act are not passed and the censoring of the Internet is condemned.
3. Invest in nuclear power and begin a switch from our reliance on the depleting supply of fossil fuels.
4. Fracking is abandoned as a way to retrieve oil, and people affected by it are paid for the damages done to their propery and their well-being
5. Tolerate other religions. Differing beliefs in the world and the afterlife shouldn't escalate to violence; it shows how much like children we still act.
6. Corporations and top businessmen learn to take a pay cut with their record profits and outrageous bonuses and invest it in new employees or causes to help end world suck (DFTBA).
7.  The TSA cuts back on its security measures. That much security at airports is at a point where it is a hassle to everyone, and is only leading to awkward situations and overall unpleasantness.
8. China takes down its great firewall, and lets its people connect to the world and educate themselves.
9. Kim Jung-Un doesn't become like his father and ends the conflict between North Korea and the rest of the world.
10. Tool releases a new album. It's been almost 7 years guys, it's time to give your fans some new tunes.