Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The American Nazi Party should be allowed to encourage hatred of the jews

I completely agree with this. But before somebody starts typing in nazi this nazi that let me explain my position. While I completely disagree with everything that the American Nazi party stands for, including hatred of the jews, their message should still be allowed to be heard. First Amendment: Freedom of Speech. Everyone other than the people in the Party would like it if they could shut them up, but it's their right to say whatever it is they want to say, so long as it doesn't result in actual violence. Its not great, I know, but think about all of the freedoms you have with freedom of speech. That's the price you pay for it.


  1. I agree with you Dan. It is one of our most important rights. Should it be violated, we lose the very fabric which holds this free nation together. It's not about the message but the right to express it.

  2. A part of me wants to agree to that, but honestly freedom of speech I dont feel includes the rights to be encouraging the hate. To actually "hate" anything is perfectly alright, but to be actually trying to take your hate for something and shove it down someones throat. It's disrespectful to the Jewish people and it's not even like they did something to desearve the disrespect. Everyone needs to have their own opinions and what not, but we have to respect the fact that all human lifes are equal so if they wanna hate they should acknowledge the possiblity that they may hate but the Jewish people are still good people.
