Wednesday, September 28, 2011


It's a known fact that somewhere in almost every school, a form of bullying is occurring. It doesn't matter the type of bullying, whether physical or emotional, it's there in some form at every school. Kids like Delaney E., who was ostracized and verbally harassed by her "friends" for not inviting them to a party, and Elise G., who was physically abused by a boy who she refused to date, can be found at many schools. But sometimes these situations can be solved, like with Jim H. jr., who left his school and moved to a new one, and forgot about all of the bad times he had. It's troubling, however, when the only option for some of these bullied kids is suicide, like in the unfortunate case of Jamey Rodemeyer.

Jamey Rodemeyer was a Freshman at a Buffalo high school, where for years he had dealt with bullying, especially in middle school, because of his struggle with his sexuality. Through all of it, he remained outwardly optimistic, which is why his sudden suicide was so unexpected and tragic. Days before, he created a blog telling others that times only get better if you stick through the bullying. His tragic death has received lots of outcry from people, even Lady Gaga, one of his favorite artists, who spoke about him during a meeting she had with the president of the U.S., where she addressed the problem of bullying and even called for a ban on it.
At my school, our Dean of Students, Mr. Miller, is quoted as saying, "Some people may think that some things are bullying but to others it may not be perceived that way. Much of the Bullying today isn't like it was 30 or 40 years ago, it's happening online and is attacking people's emotions". Many of the students here at my school have some great opinions about bullying, like Sam T., "Bullying can be easily prevented, but it happens every generation", Joe W. "It ruins people's lives and should be prevented more “, and Quinton M., “It’s not good for society, and the people on the end of bullying are being hurt emotionally, even if you don’t think so”. It’s good that they all agree: Bullying needs to end.

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