Tuesday, October 11, 2011


In today’s world, it’s hard to imagine what life would be like without our mobile devices, cell phones, and of course, the internet. It has become normal to talk to people either through a computer screen, a phone, or through Facebook, where you can communicate to people all over the world whenever you want to. This power that separates us physically from each other has unfortunately had its side effects, like the problem of cyberbullying, defined as when a child, preteen, or teenager is harassed or tormented by another person through the internet or a mobile device. Since the bully has no risk of being harmed in any way at the moment, they have a sense of courage and protection, and feel that they can do whatever they want.

Cyberbullying is the worst form of bullying, as it can happen 24/7. This type of prolonged exposure to harassment and torment leads more often towards depression and anxiety, sometimes unfortunately to suicide, as some teens feel that it’s the only way out. There is a way to prevent such harassment: Have trusted adults involved, especially parents. It is the responsibility of parents to take care of their children, including when their children are being bullied or are the bully. Schools can also help, by punishing whoever it is that’s bullying, and by teaching children at younger ages why it is wrong to cyberbully, as younger and younger children learn to use the internet. The main point if you are being cyberbullied: Talk to people you trust about it, because they can help give you support in many ways.


  1. Dan great blog on cyber bullying. you are right about bullies have almost no risk when the cyber bully, but this definitely needs to stop.

  2. Great blog Dan! I liked how you said that "this power that separates us physically from each other unfortunately has its side effects". Very true!
