Wednesday, October 19, 2011

westboro baptist church

The Topeka, Kansas based Westboro Baptist Church, the infamous organization responsible for picketing the funerals of homosexual soldiers, has gotten out of control. The actions of this amoral organization, founded by Fred Phelps, have been justified by the organization because they believe that the bible explicitly states God’s hatred of homosexuals, and that they are doomed for hell because of their orientation, and that each accident, like the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, is a sign from God that America is doomed. Their message of hatred in public has caused enormous backlash from people, even those involved in Christianity, because of their message, deemed as an infringement on human dignity, as stated by God in the same bible. After all, didn’t God teach that one should love their enemies, and that we should help those that we feel is doing wrong?

For the last question, it doesn’t look like their message of hatred and picketing is helping anyone is it? Their failure to give charity to those who they believe is wronging God is quite astounding, given the fact that they are well read on the bible and constantly quote it. Did they just ignore the fact that it is clearly stated in the bible, which they love to use, includes quotes about helping those in need, for example, “But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also”, Matthew 5:39. I’m all for the freedom of speech for everyone, including unpopular opinions, but this organization has this sort of tunnel vision, that they are the ones with the answers and no one else, which I think is ridiculous. Their stereotypes of Muslims and Jews are ridiculous, and their views of president Obama as the Anti-Christ are as crazy as can be, so ridiculous I can’t help but just laugh at their accusation that Obama will be “King of the World” (see their open letter to Obama and Muslims). I think our best course of action in dealing with this organization is simple: ignore them and their homophobic morals, because they want the attention.

1 comment:

  1. well said, lots of interesting facts that you put in there
