Monday, February 6, 2012

\Why my teacher won't let me swear on the internet

People grow up, hopefully. In times of anger and frustration, happiness and excitement, one feels satisfaction in cursing; in fact, it’s proven to help people release anger and alleviate pain, which I’m very familiar with. I’m in favor of swearing, but to a certain degree, as it can be abused to the point where the person just sounds like a 12 year old boy, using f—k in front of every noun, as if it adds certain validity to his point (it doesn’t). This is where my teacher comes in, as people on twitter are apparently swearing at each other and it has gotten to the point where it has gotten the attention of the teacher and the dean of students, who want people to stop this. I believe that it is childish and sad that it has gotten to this point, that people abuse it to the point of questioning whether or not they have any capacity of maturity.
In getting to the essence of why this problem occurs, some of these people are still growing up. As teenagers, we are still very unfamiliar with the world, and probably will be when we are adults. Swearing is just one of the new things that we learn about that we can get behind, saying stuff that would make parents and authority figures angry. This is the essence of why teenagers do most things: rebellion, as if it is something new. It also reeks of unfamiliarity with how to argue with someone, and swearing just seems to force our point even better. Does it justify it though, I think not, as teenagers do have the mental capacity to think for themselves and act mature, they just don’t want to.
Getting back to my teacher, should people be allowed to swear on the internet? Yes. People should be able to say whatever they want, whenever they want. Should be people be responsible for what they say? Absolutely, as it gives insight to what kind of a person you are. Are there places, though, where swearing really shouldn’t be used? Yes, in fact, there are places to use swearing, and using it at a place where you need to be professional is not one of them, like school. Say whatever you want, but know when to say it.

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