Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Use of the "R" Word and Derogatory Terms in General

Everyone can say whatever they want, when they want, to whoever they want. It doesn’t make it right in any way that people call each other derogatory words, but they can, as the implications of our first amendment rights help to protect us from those more powerful than us. But just because you can say whatever you want does not mean you should put others down with derogatory terms. Such as the case with the “R” word, retard. Synonymous with those who are intellectually disabled, the “R” word has become the next word that people want to ban from use, saying how it lowers the respect of others of people with intellectual disabilities, and makes them unequal to others. This goes along with the trend of banning certain words from conversation, such as the “N” word for black people and the “G” word for Italians.

 I will admit to using the “R” word when I was little. Back then, I had no idea the real world meaning of it, and just assumed it was another way of saying how someone was being stupid, an idiot, a moron, and many more. This shows how words have changed not only for me, but for everyone, as society has become desensitized to the real meaning of certain words. Thinking about what we say is one of the most important lessons we learn in life, and sometimes not enough of us follow it. It also helps to comprehend what you say, as with the history behind some of terms such as the “N” word.

Getting back to the “R” word, action has been taken against this word, with the U.S. government eliminating the use of it in their bills and legislation. People have gone far lengths to try to lower the use of the word, but the dramatic change from the use of a word takes a very long time. It all boils down to our perceptions of people, with some being very stereotypical and unfair, as with the case of those perceptions of people who are intellectually disabled. It depends on us alone to rid ourselves of this negative perception, and this can only happen if we educate ourselves on these matters. Like I said, say whatever you want, but keep in mind of the people you can hurt with your words.

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